Articles in refereed journals

Seizing the economic and social impact of universities' knowledge exchange activities: Does one size fit all? The Journal of Technology Transfer. Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Martin-Sanchez, V. (2024).

Human capital, institutions, and ambitious entrepreneurship during good times and two crises. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Epure, M., Martin-Sanchez, V., Aparicio, S., Urbano, D. (2024).

The role of experience and diversity on research consortia' performance: An exploratory approach. Small Business Economics. Alegre, I., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Martin-Sanchez, V. (2024).

Income inequality and entrepreneurship: Lessons from the Covid 2020 recession. Journal of Banking and Finance. Albert, C., Caggese, A., González, B., Martin-Sanchez, V. (2023).

Does the domestic social desirability of entrepreneurship matter for early-stage Entrepreneurs’ internationalization? The moderating role of economic freedom. BRQ Business Research Quarterly. Capelleras, J-L., Martin-Sanchez, V., and Zhang, C. (2023).

Dispositional optimism and business recovery during a pandemic. PLoS ONE. Amore, M. D., Garofalo, O., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2022).

Failing to Learn from Failure: How Optimism Impedes Entrepreneurial Innovation. Organization Science. Amore, M. D., Garofalo, O., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2021).

Entrepreneurs’ planning behavior and new firm performance. Management Research. Contín-Pilart, I., Larraza-Kintana, M., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2020).

Entrepreneurs' human capital and growth aspirations: the moderating role of regional entrepreneurial culture. Small Business Economics. Capelleras, J-L., Contín-Pilart, I, Larraza-Kintana, M., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2019).

The influence of entrepreneurs’ social referents on start-up size. International, Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Martin-Sanchez, V., Contín-Pilart, I., and Larraza-Kintana, M. (2018). 

Regional and individual determinants of entrepreneurial growth aspirations. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business. Capelleras, J-L., Contín-Pilart, I, Larraza-Kintana, M., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2018). 

Unemployment and aspirations: the moderating role of education. Strategic Change. Capelleras, J-L., Contín-Pilart, I, Larraza-Kintana, M., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2016).

The moderating role of gender on entrepreneurial intentions: a TPB perspective. Intangible Capital. Ruizalba-Robledo, J. L., Vallespín-Arán, M., Martin-Sanchez, V., and Rodríguez-Molina, M.A. (2015).  

The influence of individual perceptions and the urban/rural environment on nascent entrepreneurship. Investigaciones Regionales. Capelleras, J-L., Contín-Pilart, I., Martin-Sanchez, V., and Larraza-Kintana, M. (2013).

Book chapters

Entrepreneurs’ export orientation and growth aspirations: the moderating role of individual human capital. In. G. Bosio et al. (Eds.) Rethinking Entrepreneurial Human Capital. Pp. 63-87. Springer. Capelleras, J-L., Martin-Sanchez, V., Rialp, J., and Shleha, W. (2018)

Determinantes de las aspiraciones de crecimiento de los emprendedores en nuevos hoteles y restaurantes. In. Gerda K. Priestley (Ed.) Retos de la industria hotelera y de la restauración: Planificación, emprendimiento y gestión. Pp. 91-111. Bellaterra (Barcelona): EUTDH. Capelleras, J-L., Contín-Pilart, I, Larraza-Kintana, M., and Martin-Sanchez, V. (2015)